1. Click on New on the Top right corner
  2. Then Click on New Ticket
  3. Then try searching your customer name in the Contact
  4. If found, please select the same and move to step no. 6
  5. If not found, click on Add New Contact, just below it. Once added this is not required from the next time.
    1. In the Name, add the customer name
    2. In the email, add customername@ticket.com. This format to be strictly followed.
    3. Email needs to be a dummy one, otherwise if any valid email is created the emails will be sent to them.
    4. Then click on Company and search the customer name, if not found it can be left blank. This is a not mandatory field but if filled up, reports can be generated in a better way giving us a view how many tickets till now has been acted upon till now for that particular customer.
    5. Phone number need not be filled. Leave it Blank.
  6. If you wish to add emails in cc other than the person you are assigning the ticket to, you can click on Add cc on the bottom left corner of the Contact field. This is totally optional.
  7. Then add a subject - which mentions what is the issue about
  8. Then add the Type, even if it is not mandatory please fill this up for faster resolutions and better assistance to agents
    1. Query - In case you have any doubts in the solution you want to get clarified
    2. Issue - All Issues needs to be categorized mandatorily
    3. Feature Request - New features as requested by the customers, this is subjective to group discussion
  9. The Status is prefilled as Open. No need to change this while creating a ticket newly.
  10. Next field is Priority, 
    1. Low - To be resolved in 15 day's time or 2 weeks 
    2. Medium - To be resolved in 7 day's time or 1 week 
    3. High - To be resolved within 72 hrs (3 days)
    4. Urgent - To be resolved within 24 hrs
  11. The Group Field is to select to which team you want to assign the ticket to - Embedded Systems or Software Development. Though this is not mandatory again this is important for filtering and discussion purposes. Otherwise during our issue meeting, some tickets without this field might not be visible and hence could be skipped for discussions.
  12. Agent - The person to whom you want to assign the ticket to.
  13. Description needs to be filled up properly and attachments can be added as necessary - Please add the date by when you require the issue to be resolved.
  14. Tags - Please fill this field mandatorily, and if some additional applications are there please add the same in the Tag as well.
    1. DG Monitoring
    2. Pollution Monitoring 
    3. Aurassure
  15. In Tags, also add your name for better filtering purposes
  16. Then click Create
  17. Other Information - In here we need not mention the name of the creator of the Ticket in the name as it is clearly mentioned in the view section on clicking any ticket.